Web Development & Design Terms and Conditions
ABN: 19892714427
By ordering services from Oceania Internet Web Development & Design you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions.
1. Oceania Internet reserves the right to refuse to build a web site or web page which we may judge as unfit due to content or otherwise. This may include but is not limited by, sites containing adult oriented material i.e. pornography, sites which promote hatred towards persons belonging to any ethnic group, religion or sexual orientation and sites which infringe copyright or are contrary to Australian laws.
2. The acceptance of an ‘acceptance payment’ shall be deemed as a contractual agreement between the client and Oceania Internet Web Development & Design.
3. Oceania Internet Web Development & Design cannot always guarantee to start work immediately on a commission but will arrange a date with the client as to when work can commence & a plan to proceed with your project.
4. All material, both text and images, supplied by the client and used in the construction of the client’s web site, will remain the client’s property. All such material will be assumed to be the property of the client and free to use without fear of breach of copyright laws in Australia & international.
5. The copyright for all material provided by Oceania Internet Web Development & Design, such as HTML code, graphics, photographs and text, will remain the property of Oceania Internet Web Development & Design until such time as payment has been made in full whereupon they will become the property of the client.
6. Oceania Internet Web Development & Design makes every effort to design pages which display acceptably in the most popular current browsers, but cannot accept responsibility for pages which do not display acceptably in new versions of browsers released after pages have been designed.
7. Oceania Internet Web Development & Design can accept no responsibility or liability if any search engine, online directory or search site, submitted to as part of a web site promotion commission, chooses not to list a client’s web site.
8. Oceania Internet will initially place the client’s website on one of Oceania Internet’s production servers during build phase. In which, the client may wish to view and comment upon the website’s progress. When both Oceania Internet and the client agree that the website meets the criteria agreed during the commissioning process, Oceania Internet will invoice the client for the full amount due for the commissioning. On receipt of payment, Oceania Internet will publish the website on the client’s server, migrate to the live domain or provide the source code for the site via a download (or cd-rom disk) for the client to upload.
NOTE: Full balance is due after 60 day period from acceptance date this includes management fees
8.1. If at any point during the Website Development Cycle a client wishes to cancel, they may do so but will be invoiced an amount that Oceania Internet Web Development & Design Design judges to be proportional to the amount of work completed on the commission.
9. If, during the Website Development Cycle, the client does not supply the content required in order to complete the commission within a reasonable amount of time, Oceania Internet Web Development & Design will consider that the client wishes to cancel the commission.
10. A 20% deposit must be paid before Oceania Internet Web Development & Design will start any new project. On completion of website Oceania Internet Web Development & Design will invoice the customer and expects payment by bank deposit, or cash before website will uploaded onto any server.
11. Any payment returned by the bank will incur a $25 administration charge. This will be invoiced and will be added to the total outstanding debt owed by the customer.
Oceania Internet Web Development & Design does not undertake to maintain or update a client’s website as part of the design commission. If a client wishes Oceania Internet Web Development & Design to maintain or update a web site as a separate commission, Oceania Internet Web Development & Design will negotiate with the client a maintenance contract appropriate to the amount of work required. Web site maintenance may also be undertaken on a time and materials basis if the client so wishes.
12. Oceania Internet Web Development & Design reserves the right to alter prices at any time without notice. If a client has commissioned any services from Oceania Internet Web Development & Design prior to a change in prices, that commission will not be subject to any increase, but any subsequent commission may be subject to an increase.
By agreeing to these terms and conditions your statutory rights are not affected.
13. The fees for the services are based on a standard 60 hours of design and development work. All additional extras not covered by the specification agreed with the client, will be payable by the client. All additional extras and design and development work in excess of the standard 60 hours of design and development work will be calculated at the rate of $110 per hour plus GST. Oceania Internet Web Development and Design can provide a full breakdown of costs and timesheets to substantiate additional fees.
14. Oceania Internet Web Development & Design reserves the right to change or modify any of the terms and conditions contained in the Terms and Conditions.
ABN: 19892714427